I have never been a great fan of August, once past the Lughnasadh festival, I could stay in bed snoozing till September comes around.
The dictionary definition for august describes it as 'imposing and majestic'.
Yes, imposing it is, I can agree with that one. As for majestic absolutely most definitely not !
It is the month of the dogs and the dog bites. I remember, as a youth delivering newspapers up and down the hills of a small market town and of leaving loads of leather gloves between the jaws of ferocious snappy small pets; better that than fingers.
I'll give you another example of August: This morning I rang a friend around 10 o'clock and listened at first to empty silence as the call was picked up. I heard a hoarse rasping and growling sound, which I identified as a Jack Russell with laryngitis. My immediate thought was that I had misdialled through to the Animal Dispensary for Sick Creatures !
I was just about to apologise, when there came the muffled faintly recognisable voice of Ms Q, to whom I now offer my abject apologies for having imposed upon her Sunday morning slumbers.
This then is an example of the first definition of August.
You may have had one good August ........... about 1972 ... xx