Sunday, 24 July 2016


Fore warned is fore armed is an old proverb and so today you are warned to read the small print on food labels.

European Commission -
Daily News 22 / 07 / 2016

EU Commission authorised three genetically modified soybeans for food/feed uses.

The Commission authorised three GMOs for food/feed uses (soybean MON 87708 x MON 89788, soybean MON 87705 x MON 89788 and soybean FG 72), all of which have gone through a comprehensive authorisation procedure, including a favourable scientific assessment by EFSA. The authorisation decisions do not cover cultivation. The GMOs approved today had received "no opinion" votes from the Member States in both the Standing and Appeal Committees and the Commission adopted the pending decisions. The authorisations are valid for 10 years, and any products produced from these GMOs will be subject to the EU's strict labelling and traceability rules. For more information see here. (For more information: Daniel Rosario – Tel.: + 32 229 56185; Iris Petsa - Tel.: +32 229 93321)
also read these two links


  1. Hi Mel - I'm afraid I rather give up on these things ... I'm lucky I don't suffer side-effects and am probably pretty healthy .... but thanks for the warning ... I don't eat processed food usually, and am not keen on soya ... cheers Hilary

    1. The danger is that GM Soya will be fed to meat producing animals and that is where the danger of cancer lies.
      That is unless people eat certified organic meat!
      Thank you for your comment.

  2. From Jack Lovell in Canada came this:
    Mel, I live in the midst of chemical agriculture country and I am very familiar with the epidemic of cancer, crohns, colitis, Parkinson's and a host of soft tissue diseases that have resulted from the use of GMO crops. But really is is not the plant which is the culprit, rather the genetics in the plant, have been altered in order to allow the chemical sprays to kill other weeds/plants, except the ones with the altered gene.

    In GMO crops therefore, the plant uptakes the chemicals glyphosate for instance, and lodges it inside the edible portion of the plant. Glyposate (aka Roundup) is still prevalent but UK/Irish famers use atrazine, also widely used here, and connected positively to the huge bee 'die off' that we are now experiencing.

    In some GMO plants (tomatoes for instance) foreign genes are inserted into the plant to produce a different set of actions to resist chemical fungicides and pesticides, and the result of foreign genes interacting with plants that have no evolutionary relationship, is still unknown in humans. GMO plants (allowed by USA regulatory bodies) have only been tested on animals for a short period of 90 days. The Europeans tested the intake of these gm foods with chemical residues for a period of 700 days..a much longer term of ingestion (which is normal, not just 90 days....!!)...and the results come back with positive correlation between cancers and other diseases and the consumption of gm cereals and food.

    Mel it is criminal that paid lobbyists have pushed through these crops and their associated chemical inputs though regulatory bodies including Canada....its not about 'feeding the world', its about massive profits gained from the sales of artificial fertlizers and required chemical inputs to farmers who really aren't aware of what it is they are doing.

    I could go on and on, with so much .Angela has been writing for the agricultural press for over 20 years and know how these things function and from where they the population at large continues to be hoodwinked is beyond many people with disease and cancer. Just visited my 35 year cousin and her breast cancer and the suffering she is enduring.

    Apologies, I am not trying to rant ..just as you said BE VERY AFRAID......I know that we are. Thank you for bringing this issue to the attention of people

    1. Thank you Jack for the comprehensive reply.I really do not expect many comments on this Danger. For most people either are unaware or don't like being faced with the truth.

  3. I would be much happier seeing real scientific evidence instead of stories from journalists Mel. The stories may well be true but this reads like scaremongering (but may still be true!). However, I think Hilary's advice to avoid processed foods is good!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Well Bazza my friend Jack is not a journalist and Angela his wife writes serous articles from research. At the end of the day I do realise that 'you can take water to the donkey but cannot make it drink'
      What I can assure you is that Monsanto products are deadly dangerous.

    2. One wonders why governments don't act against these things when there is scientific proof. Or am I being naive?

    3. Bazza I will do my best to explain a few things to you.
      1. What I learned during my time as an NGO was that multi-national companies often have more clout than the majority of governments and are able to dictate policies.
      2. The majority of politicians have no scientific training and are very often just 'talking heads' who largely rely upon their advisors to give them guidance. In turn, it is easy for the advisors to be swayed by the international corporate society.
      3. Some international companies are well known rigging reports!

  4. Is this about Monsanto??I vaguely remember a discussion on that company some years ago, does anybody recognize that?? It then had to do with corn, I think, and some adjusted pesticide and some furtilizer. I remember that there was some kind of cooperation between certain companies and that the crops from Monsanto had some bad effect on the surrounding farms . The modified plants overtook the ordinary plantlife and the entire structure of normal plantlife seemed to change because of the genmodified plants and the substances used by Monsanto. If I remember correctly the documentary dealed with the problems of genmodified plants because of the impact they had on the environment as a whole. They said in this documentary that the knowledge of how modified plants and seeds from them would affect the environment close by, was not satisfactory looked upon. How the modified plants would eventually effect the human body when digested is even less known I believe.
    I am aware that my memory might fail me, so I might stand corrected. What I've learned however is that those enormous companies have great impact on public opinion and can easily bend the truth to their benefit if they want to. If they want to. They can also take great responsibility - if they want to.
    I might be silly but I am concerned about what we do with food today. So many foreign substances, so much of modifying, so much of adjusting the natural state of things into what suits us best for the moment. But, as I again say: I may be very very silly and may remember this all wrong and if I am wrong, please correct my memory.
    It is, as someone here pointed out, important with real facts. What you tell us here, Mel, is scaring indeed and we must for sure be very aware of what the foodindustries are doing. That is one of the reasons for me to be a friend of Fairtrade and a supporter of the local farmers.

    1. Thank you for having such a good memory FT and for writing as you do. I will now tell about some carrots that we bought a few years ago. These carrots were of a good colour, size, shape and reasonably priced. We put them in the bottom of the fridge. Life got in the way and we had to go to England because the illness of a family member, we were there for three weeks. On our return we threw the carrots in the composter and even after three months they were bright orange and no visible sign of change! One does not need a degree in agriculture science to know that this was completely against nature.
      So yes if what I publish on this blog scares you (?) then I am glad and if in being scared you start to think for yourselves, instead of being led like sheep. Then that to is good and I am glad because this world of ours belongs to us and is not the property of the multi-national companies.
      Yes it is time to make changes, time to challenge the big conglomerates where you buy your food stuffs and TIME TO SAVE OUR WORLD.

  5. I don't eat the meat, but I do have soy milk in my tea. I think it's time to find an alternative :(

    1. Fran, you can make a milk like substance from organic oats and it very easy, plus you can still eat the oats.

  6. Hi Mel - interesting conversations here ... I've enjoyed the read. I am glad I don't need to worry - and make sure I eat sensibly ... that early beginning of home-grown veg and fruit from our garden in Surrey must have helped hugely ... to build resistance to much.

    People are waking up - but getting the masses to think and realise is difficult and to change their habits nigh on impossible ... I worry for the future generations ... a few ahead perhaps - but the 2100s might be challenging ...

    Can I say cheers - I will ... Hilary

    1. Hello Hilary - You are right there are some interesting comments on the blog and they provide myself and the readers with information that might remain hidden, otherwise. I truly appreciate the comments of readers interest.

      'Awareness Raising' Hilary that is the sole aim of some of my blog topics. If it makes just one person start to think about what they eat or do - then it will all be worthwhile.. I believe there is a christian parable about grains of seed ? I can't quote it ad verbatim but somebody else can check it out.


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