Tuesday 11 August 2015

Dreams can evoke

The morning is slow, the vivid dream still partially with me as I wonder if there is any truth in the experience of being interviewed by a cagey group. 

Then I consciously recall the idiotic, power-over, controlling dickhead of a chairman calling me to a meeting six miles away, which then followed by me rushing past my home in the opposite direction to deliver leaflets. Feeling angry and used because I could have saved time and fuel by meeting them there anyway.

Total consequences of such and similar behaviour resulted in my  abruptly walking out in the middle of another meeting, telling them that I had better things to do with my time than sit listening to liars and gobshites. 

The umbrella organisation has the sort of principles of which I am in
total agreement with and remain loyal to, for it has a generous and strong core that is based upon decency, democracy and sound reasoning.

Today, I am very like the patient Heron above, standing alone, still, silent and with the precious principles that I hold dear.

Isn’t it amazing what dreams will trigger ?


  1. I often see a solitary heron at the pond I go by daily. I wonder about him. The rookeries are several miles away, but there are sycamore trees around the pond, their tree of preference for nest building. But the rookeries are active beginning in February and are totally deserted now. Is he a solitary bachelor? Is it the same heron, these last several years. Is it a lady heron? It is very shy; if on my side of the pond and it I am too fast in raising my camera he is off into the air.
    What did you dream to recall those stupid committee meetings?

    1. I dreamt that I was being interrogated by a rough bunch of people.

  2. When I was teaching my husband and I got involved with our teacher's union. I was a strong believer in unions. But the idiots running ours about drove me crazy and made me thing my belief and faith in such organizations might be misplaced.

  3. My dear farmer insists that he has never, ever dreamt. I find this hard to believe as I dream every night and some dreams are difficult to shift once I awake. Luckily I rarely have bad dreams.

    1. I think your farmer dreams but cannot remember them.

  4. Dreams are everything. That's a fine shot indeed.

    1. Welcome Blogoratti ! Yes, I agree with you dreams can be very revealing.

  5. I wish my stupid committee meetings were only dreams. Sadly I'm still having to attend them!

  6. Oh I hate meetings far from home!

    1. I don't mind meetings, what annoys me is when people knowingly tell lies, the result being that all trust is lost and I go home.

  7. I think the dream says much about you and your independent spirit, Mel. A heron indeed!

  8. Dreams are a wonderful thing, yes some at the moment of happening may not seem so :O) but in the end I think they are wonderful. Where else can one be that anything can happen, any event can play out and yet you wake unharmed. One can work out things because of the freedom of a dream.... Examining them in the wake can be a bit disconcerting or it can be a wonderful memory you want to live over and over. :O)


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