Friday, 7 August 2015


I often look out across the this field at all times of the day because my desk is set cross cornered. So last night I espied the light of the setting sun glowing on these small trees that stand in the East and so I rushed out to take a photo of the scene.

I was not fast enough to obtain the shot that I wanted

This second shot was taken a few seconds later and reveals a small light with a smokey tail on the right of the photo.

Detail of thing

I sent the above two photos to my photographer daughter for her appraisal (it is good to have experts in the family)

Her comments were :-

"Hmmm its too big for a shooting star ... The space station isn't over you at the moment? It does look like something moving! The tail will be the movement from a normal shutter mode, .... Not a plane too bright i would say. I presume it wasn't visible to the naked eye ?"

I replied saying "No it wasn’t to my eye but here is something strange when I first moved here a light such as this was often visible at night and then the farmer had a Mass said and it was never seen again !"
That was until now....

Daughter final reply:-
"Its very odd, well we don't really know what's out there !!"

Now I am sure that some of you folk Following and others who are Readers of this blog
may very well have your own ideas and I would love to hear from you?


  1. I hope it wasn't a UFO, I'm with Stephan Hawking, I don't think when we finally meet up with aliens that they'll be coming in peace.

    1. Thanks Janet your comment is very cheering - Not!
      I truly cannot imagine any aliens visiting this backward planet though.

  2. This could be the ISS as they recently had an upgrade to their solar panels (bigger) that reflect sunlight really well and makes it sometimes visible for a few seconds in broad daylight; you would observe a bright "flare" of light like this, it wouldn't need to be directly overhead either.

    Another possibility might be a Marine flare or firework?

    1. Steve my enlightened friend thank you, as per Janet above you are very cheering !

      Actually for it to be a marine flare that is unlikely because we are many miles from the coast, not sure about a firework I shall say possibly.

  3. There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio - or something like that (can't be bothered to go and get my complete Shakespeare to look it up. I agree about the sunset though - it changes minute by minute and the sun catches something and by the time you have raised the camera to your eye it has gone.

  4. Ball lightning perhaps, although the tail is not typical - but as you say, that could be the shutter speed. What's the smudge in the top right - the tail of the light looks made of the same stuff.

    Another possibility is a weather balloon. Where was the sun - it looks to be direct on the object.

    1. Thanks Bill, the smudge might be a dirty lens or something to do with the age of the camera; I shall refer back to my photographer daughter.

      The sun was in the West and the object in the East so it might be a weather balloon.

  5. I've no idea what it could be - but I know what I want it to be - SĂ­dhe :)

    1. Ha, ha, ha !
      I see that you are true to form Jane B......
      Actually I did wonder whether it might the a visitation from The Crone or some similar figure ????

  6. I see a stork carrying a new baby in the second photograph.

  7. I'm far too practical to think it's a UFO, possibly a trick of the light and camera at low light levels! However it's very interesting to look at and contemplate. I'd say it's a plane and the dark tail is simply cloud!

    1. Thank you for your deliberations Susie but I have to say: Ah' now wisht ! and what about those times twenty odd years ago when a light used to appear in the same place and altitude and I seeing at 11pm at night with my naked eye ?
      If it is a plane where are it wings because I think they would show up on the enlarged detail ?

  8. I remember seeing a film once where a father said to his daughter "if ours is the only planet with life on it, that's an awful waste of space". I forget what film it was, but I think Jodie Foster was the daughter. Anyway, it struck a chord with me, so I am very willing to believe there are other explorers out there having a look at us. Maybe you've spotted one of them, Mel.

  9. Thanks for the comment Val and in regards to aliens from another planet, then Yes I think there has to be.

  10. That was fast moving Mel!! very unusual and very interesting. I have no idea but would love to know!!

  11. I think it could be anything you wanted it to be. Peter Pan? Xxxx

    1. Ha, ha, ha!
      Possibly a man riding a sky bicycle with a large headlight Fran ?


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