Tuesday, 25 December 2012

To Pagans Everywhere !

A toast from the East

With a glass of Irish Mist I toast Pagans everywhere and send a not so humble blessing

That they keep themselves sharp, lively and be very full of Fun


Long live the Sun !

in the South

Cheers me hearties !

The Great Goddess!
without whom
no ritual
can be done.


  1. It looks so cozy and comfy there, and food looks scrumptious!! I want to book a room please, and stay forever, you both look terrific,very happy solstice to you...Debs

  2. Splendid!! A grand toast to both of you and everyone of all persuasions. This is, after all, a time for festivities regardless of belief. Have a wonderful year end and an even better year beginning!

  3. Greetings and a hearty toast of mulled wine back to you and the Goddess from across the Atlantic.

  4. BIRGIT said:
    Dear Mel here comes my comment on your great blog!

    Yes! Fun, pleasure and joyous time of winter! We here celebrated with about 30 people the solistice. Your place looks so bright and cosy, Mel. I raise my glass to Jane and you in celebration of the Goddess and the reborn light! May the warmth of heart and joy, the bright spirit of yours shine out and laughter fill your place and radiate to every being!


  5. My great friend Tristram who lives in Stratford, Ontario said:

    Delightful add-on to ye blog spot always grand to have a wise
    geriatric hippie as a soul mate ;- being 80 is needed
    qualificaton to understand ....the more youthful souls
    Blessings all ..... from Canada

  6. Blessings from the Canadian Rocky Mountains in the West - where we, indeed, have snow much fun!

    ... it looks like that bottle has toasted many directions. xx


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