Thursday, 11 October 2012

Collector of Oddities

I have the habit of a magpie in that occasionally something bright catches my eye and I bring it back to our nest.

The above is a bronze plaque with a silver filigree pattern.
I think the words may be Arabic but am not certain, perhaps
someone can throw light on this ? 

Of all of the oddities this is my favourite.
It is of course a small soda syphon about 5 inches high x 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
 I can imagine it being an essential item for those who like to travel
and imbibe a whisky & soda at regular intervals!

Another plaque carved from wood and overlaid with bronze, 
it's about 4-1/2 inches in diameter. The quadrant design is a Celtic,
 cross in a circle which is as old as the hills however, I have no idea as 
to why the vertical leg is channeled out - any ideas please ?

This object is a very strong magnet, it was found
attached to the bonnet (hood) of our car and neither the 
mechanic nor myself have a clue as to why it was there.
 I look forward in receiving your suggestions!


  1. Treasures ALL, but I have no suggestions except perhaps the plaque has a channel to be used with a tie, rawhide or string?

    1. Dear Ms String,

      Exactly how do you propose to fit into the channel ?

      Mad cackling laughter :)

  2. TRISTRAM said:

    Dear fraternal Magpie you have a flair for delightful

    The carved disk with slot to hold something in place ?
    The cross format seems early pagan Irish the reference (slot) may be a solar or lunar alignment ?

  3. I have a little syphon just like yours, so sweet. My hubby went out with his metal detector earlier in the year and came back with various 'treasures'; a rusty padlock, several rusty nails etc and he reckoned that each one had a romantic story attached. I think I prefer your treasures :) xxx

  4. I missed this post, Mel, but then I cannot add any explanations for any of them despite liking all things of celtic design. I love the soda syphon and would give a lot to have one like it that still works. We had one as when I was a child, and the little 'bombs' always fascinated me. How they worked was a mystery to my childish mind.


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