Finally the outward transformation of our home is complete.
Internally there are though a few jobs to still to do.
As per the redecorating the front room & the addition
of a new computer desk as the present one now
looks decidedly tatty.
A slight set back has occurred in our planning, all due to
my carelessness concerning a ladder, that I postioned wrongly
when leaving the attic in a hurry. The consequence being that
like Humpty Dumpty & Jack (as in Jack & Jill) My head has been
repaired with string (four stitches) and glue but no brown paper!
Mrs Heron has barred me from entering the loft until the wounds
are fully healed; unfortunately I am not good at being a patient :)
There are though other jobs that I can do without a ladder,
a letter box needs to be put on the wall & perhaps the addition
of a door bell or chime, a brass bell would be nice except
that I fear that it might ring in the winds.

Sitting on the window cill is our black cat named Magic,
he was capable of opening the old transom
windows to let himself out and in.
Well let's see if he can manage these new ones!

This now untidy area is our Suntrap, it faces due south
and is the one place that Mrs H can be found enjoying the sun in
the early mornings drinking a coffee and smoking the first ciggy of
the day, whilst still in her dressing gown.