I have a great many interests. Among them is writing poetry, taking photo's, the practice of T M and following a druid like path. What I am not nor have I ever been is subservient or fanatical. In the true sense of the term I am a free thinking person.
Is this the world that we desire
Of hunger, war and fire,
Of toil, spoil and waste.
A system created to create
A world of greed, speed and hate.
Can we stop, arrest the cause
Without causing pain or arising havocs.
To deftly change here to there.
Redirect resources - from
Full bellied western folk - to
Hollowed eyed hungry children
And create a proper balance ?
I wrote the above forty years ago circa 1970. Today I was awoken in the early hours of the morning by my own words, " of hunger, war and fire", reverberating through my sleeping mind until I awoke and rifled through my notebooks to dig them out.
Unfortunately the words I wrote all those years ago are still true today. In yesteryear I was short sighted & only aimed my poem towards the plight of the children in Africa and India.
Now in 2011, I realize they can just as easily apply to children and their parents who live in countries, judged by international financiers as being amongst the wealthy, developed nations of the world.
Tell me, how can we make a difference ?
Amongst my wide variety of friends there are those who have religious vocations ; They being members of the third order of Franciscans, whose local monastery was established in 1820 with the dictate to educate and feed the people. So on a recent visit, I was inspired to take photos of some of the unique features in their garden.
As many of you may know I am a druid and a pagan, this neither stops me nor them from enjoying each others' company and from having some interesting discussions on subjects which are not always common to our individual followings. That being the case we stretch our minds to seek a common understanding.
One commonality between us is our love of nature, plants, trees, animals, ancient sites and the night sky to name but a few.
The pictures which follow speak for themselves.