I have been given an Award by a follower of this blog.
It asks me to say seven things about myself and to forward it on to seven new bloggers.
There are two things I feel I can share as I'm quite a private person:
The first is: that I am the fifteenth cousin of the writer William Makepeace Thackeray via my paternal grandmother.
The second thing is: I am not really into awards. I write a blog to express my inner thoughts and share some of the things that interest me.
So my thanks to Kim for thinking of me however, please all of you, pass the Awards to those who can accommodate them because I cannot :)

My time is now taken up with a few odd jobs and the political situation in Ireland has borne down upon me, for I am finding it difficult enough to attend to day to day matters, including the immanent celebration of Imbolc next week.
I have had to give myself a good inward talking to.
To put the show on the road as it were, for last week I felt almost like ignoring this important festival.
Today as I looked out of the window I observed that Mother Nature has taken a hand to raise three tiny snowdrops, in the otherwise winter ravaged grass of the front lawn. The snowdrops stand as lonely sentinels, these the first flowers of the year, an advanced guard to those later larger blooms that will stand tall to adorn lawns and woodland banks. Displaying to us the colour of bright sunlight yellow.
I long once again for warm weather and to feel the heat of the sun on my old back; for I have between this and the last blog gained another year and seven oh is drawing closer… not that inside I feel any different from when I was thirty-five and sometimes twenty-one!
Rather than ask you, my readers, to tell me seven things about yourself, what I'd really like to know is: How old do you feel inside ?