I often wander about with my camera, taking odd photos of anything that catches my eye.
Today though I was required to show off the latest pendent.
The pendent made from the tine of a Red Deer.
I chose an old 5p coin to sit as a cap on the top.
Afterwards I ambled into the back garden to discover three splendid white ladies and a dog.
The three ladies
I opened my eyes, and in surprise
Looked in wonderment
At all that the She-God has made.
So beautiful!
Below the skies!
©MRL 6th April 1985
Our one and only Toby asleep in the sunshine at the door of Mrs H's studio.
He awakes on hearing my chuckle and out pops his tongue !
The noble Toby follows me in to the studio and settles down by the easel for more rest,
for he is now and old man of 90 in dog years and enjoys his sleep.
So do you have any old pets ?