I recently visited the home of a friend and was immediately attracted by a collage on his wall.
"Goodness who produced that ? It's terrific " I enquired.
"Blake gave it to me, it is one of his pieces that he did for an exam." He replied.
On my return home I phoned Blake and asked him about the work and what led him to produce this piece.
He asked if I'd ever heard of Sacred Geometry?
In reply I told him what I knew of the theory and of how in my mind it has a loose connection with the earth energies that flow around the planet, for that that's what I saw in his illustration.
We then discussed how he had produced the piece by allowing his subconscious to randomly select a coloured pencil which he picked up with his left hand from a multitude of colours.
Passing it to his right hand he drew and once used the colour was discarded and placed to his right.
The real leaves that surround the drawing make a connection to the earth.
The CD placed in the centre reflects light and contains every colour.
Blake's creation reminded me of a colour sensitivity test that I devised many years ago.
Participants who were right handed were blindfolded and randomly selected a coloured pencil with their left hand.
They held it for a few minutes and attempted to identify the colour using their other senses.
Then on a piece of paper they draw a shape or image which they thought was relevant.
Using the right hand they wrote the name of the colour they felt it was.
The results were very interesting, most people managed to get about forty percent correct on their first attempt.
When the right-handed people used their right hand to pick up the pencils the results were a little higher and only one person out of a hundred was able to identify every colour with his right hand and none at all with his left.
Have you ever attempted to work with your subconscious or intuition ?