There is a picturesque village about 5km to the west of us,
which early in September has it's annual show,
weather permitting. This year it went ahead, unlike the
2008 & 09 when those with clout, the Health & Safety
folk, prevented the show from going ahead. Rain
and wet ground was cause.
Mrs H thoroughly enjoys the Clonaslee show, the crowds,
the atmosphere and the animals, especially the bulls.
My first attention is always drawn to the horses, not
because I am a rider, for I am definitely not.
It is that they hold a certain majestic mystery for me.

Here they are, those magnificant animals, along with their
handlers. The younger men always seem to wear bowler
hats which rest upon their ears !

This is the supreme champion of the show,
a wonderful beast. Just look at that straight back
and the chunky forelegs, a fine specimen of bullhood indeed.

Now this is the correct way for farmers' wives
to enjoy their Sunday afternoon. Sitting in amongst
the bulls and enjoying a glass or three of wine....
and great craic !

Potatoes and onions on display, where shape, size
and colour, I presume, are important in determining the winners.

Here in the hall an assortment of exhibitions
from art to large nosegays plus breads, cakes, tarts and knitting.

From an earlier blog, you will no doubt recognise
this, our traditional fuel, that has been hard won
from the bog.
The competition here is about the straightest
block of turf and squareness of section, it must
also have weight, dryness and make a good clack
(sound) when two pieces are knocked together.
This then is the Clonaslee agricutural show, one of a number of shows
that take place in the locality. There is a far larger show in a neighbouring town
that draws in thousands of people from far and wide and each has different attractions.
Our local show is our preference of course as it is also a chance to catch up with friends,
neighbours and buy homemade goodies to take home for tea.